Could your workspace do with better indoor environmental quality? Cutting edge sensor technology and Internet of Things bring continuous IEQ monitoring to all. bba is at the forefront of this development. We install an online sensor network in your building and provide real time monitoring of temperature and indoor air quality. You can keep an eye on the situation using the online portal on your laptop. And we take remote IEQ monitoring further: with our expertise, we assess the situation and give feedback that goes beyond reporting peak values. We translate data to information, thus supporting decision making for technical improvements. Our goal: happy occupants in your building.

Apart from online monitoring with sensor networks, we offer stand alone testing of IEQ parameters as a part of remediation in problem buildings. bba has a full range of test equipment e.g. for temperature, draught, PMV, CO2, fine particles, ventilation, chemical compounds, mould, light, luminance and spectral measurements. Our holding company DGMR will support you with sophisticated acoustic measurements.

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